Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Loving Ogden!

So far, so good. We are really enjoying it here!

Between school days and life, my time to write has been limited. Just when I think we are finally getting settled and into a routine ...we are out of here on Thursday. First stop is Traverse City, Michigan. Josh's brother, Donovan, is getting married.

Then, Monday, the kids and I are off to Mexico! Yea! I miss the beach. I miss my dog!!

Caden's auditory therapy has been really good. He has completed the recommended 15 sessions, and we have seen a tremendous improvement in his testing scores. We have been sent home with our "homework" exercises, which we have just incorporated into our daily school curriculum. He goes back in November for re-testing to see how he is coming along.

I have also ordered him new curriculum, designed for all children, but is based on methodology used to teach dyslexics to read. Easton also loves it. So, I am planning to order it for him as well.

From the looks of it, I may need to find Easton more exciting curriculum ;)

School has kept us pretty busy during the week, but weekends have been lots of fun. We've been biking. It seemed to be a great idea. Toward the end of our ride, a 100 yard detour through the grass left everyone with punctured tires from the burrs. Luckily (and uncannily), we happened to be directly in front of bike shop, so it wasn't too hard to get them repaired!

We have been enjoying shopping at the Farmer's Markets on the weekends. Last Saturday was Ogden's Harvest Moon Festival. The kids and I strolled downtown to sample the local restaurants, see the local sidewalk sales, and kids' activities.

At the Harvest Moon Festival

Trying the Rock Wall

Both boys going at it

Farmer's Market every Saturday

Organic, Local Raspberries have Easton's approval

Caden's a fan of anything blue.

Both boys are growing like weeds. Caden grew out of his shoes. Again. We bought him new shoes that are very Sheldon Cooper-like. To be honest, they had a pair of Wonder Woman ones that I was very tempted to buy for myself.
Caden's First Pair of Chucks
They also have no winter clothes. As in, not even one stitch. So, we've done some fall shopping to stock up on a few things to keep them from freezing. The days are still in the 80s, but the nights are getting crisp and cool. Unfortunately, I think we are leaving just as the colors are starting to change --- which is my favorite time of year.

I have found a local dairy where we pick up our raw, whole milk. Sooo yummy! They work on the Honor's System: Take as many gallons of milk or cream as you need & leave a check or cash in the box. Open 24/7. I love that!
Johnny's Dairy
I have found some great sources for grass fed beef and organic chicken. I am amazed at the organic/sulfate-free meats you can now buy in your local grocery. Much easier than before!

Confession: I have also been couponing. No, I am not a crazy-coupon-lady. No, I have yet to get any items for free --- but I have come darn close a couple of times.

To be honest, I expected it to be a waste of time. I don't have room in the trailer to stock-pile inventory, the holy grail of couponing. We like certain brands of certain things, and that's a "golden no-no" of the couponing world. We eat healthy, and I always thought that coupons were for junk food. 

It started as a: I'll give it a whirl. Turns out, even though I break "couponer" every rule, I still save. A LOT. I saved $77 from our last grocery bill. Turns out that by couponing -- which takes me about 30-40 minutes per week, I have more than paid for the difference we are spending to buy organic foods, meats, eggs, and raw milk. I have saved at least 1/3 of every grocery bill.

Turns out, they have coupons for more than just food. We've also eaten at different restaurants for less than $10 each time for the 3 of us. (Josh has been on the road a lot this month.)

I also used coupons and scored the kid's winter coats, each $75, for $37. I ended up with a pair of Vera Wang jeans for 75% off.

All of these savings could buy Momma a lot of shoes!

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