Saturday, August 10, 2013

And...We're Off!

I thought I would start a blog to document our travels (and hopefully --- keeping my fingers crossed --- not our tribulations), and keeping up with our crazy lives.

In May we purchased a travel trailer that we can live/travel in during our off-season.

For those who followed our last National Lampoon's Vacation/Rolling Disaster, I am sure you will either find this decision reckless or hilarious -- or maybe both. I haven't decided yet.

Nearly us on our last RV adventure

Additionally, I don't "camp" well. This trailer has a fireplace, so the hubster has convinced me that it is definitely not camping. And it remains to be determined if we are campground peeps. My husband tends to be a recluse, and I tend to be a bit cynical. So, To Be Determined...And Announced...

My mother has standing Power of Attorney to immediately sell our Travel Trailer if I am found wandering around a campground in a tube top. At that point, I've gone native and need an intervention.

Josh has gotten his CDL license and found work in Utah. So, we hit the road on Monday.

The white truck in the photo has been sold. Josh has a shiny, new Dodge that he can pull the trailer with, as well as for his work.

I needed to trade in my Yukon. Since we were headed to Utah (aka Jeeplandia), we decided that this was the time to own a Jeep if there ever was one. You know: When in Rome,...

So, here she is:

Bought her yesterday, and I haven't named her yet. Still thinking!

The kiddos started school this week. They are both enrolled in a correspondence school so that we can travel. The majority of next week's work will have to get done while we are on the road. That should be a lovely time.

By Monday, bazillions of things to do. So, off for now...


  1. I kind of can't imagine you in a tiara, Amber, but I would LOVE to see it someday! Great blog. Happy travels :)

  2. Love the Jeep! When you sell this one call me!
