Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to Ogden!

That would be my *^(@#$# finger in the
upper left corner of this pic :(
We're Here! And we got our WiFi connected yesterday. (Thus my ability to post this update.) So, the blog is officially ON.

Let me give you a quick run-down on what we've been doing since we arrived Thursday...

The boys and I arrived by plane on Thursday morning. Josh arrived late on Thursday evening with our other vehicles on his trailer. Our travel trailer was hauled in on Thursday as well by a professional towing company because...we sold the white truck! Two days before we were supposed to leave for Utah, someone came along and bought the thing --- which put a serious kink in my plans of how we were getting the trailer to Utah. (Please Note: I am NOT complaining.) So, I had to schedule a rush haul of our trailer with a professional towing company. [Never a dull moment in the Schulz house/trailer/cardboard box.]

Luckily, we are in a great spot on the last street in the park, overlooking the beautiful Wasatch Mountain Range, and more specifically, Ben Lomond Mountain. At 9700'-ish at it's peak, there are trails all over the thing, which I can see from our driveway. So, it is definitely on the "To Be Explored Further List".

Apparently, according to could-be-reliable info, that mountain is the inspiration for the Paramount Pictures Mountain Logo, as the founder of Paramount Pictures,William W. Hodkinson, was from Ogden, Utah.

So, I took the internet for a quick fact finding mission. At first, this info didn't seem to make much sense to me, because I don't think that it has much resemblance to this:

But then a few more Google searches revealed that the first Paramount Pictures logo actually looked like this:

And really, who the heck knows what that mountaintop is supposed to be?!? 

But internet sources say that it was supposed to be the top of Ben Lomond. I'd wager that whatever Mr. Hodkinson paid for that logo, he overpaid.

Our park has a mix of RVs, Travel Trailers, and Mobile Homes. Seems to me that there aren't many vacationers. Most people stay year-round or are snowbirds who escape to warmer weather in the winter months.

First impressions:

  • This part of Utah doesn't appear to get much rain. It's pretty crunchy 'round here.
  • The sunsets are breathtaking. 
  • Liking everything except the 100 degree days. Apparently, it's been a really hot summer here and is way above average. Normal is in the 80s/low 90s.

Friday and Saturday are a total blur, but they consisted of organizing, cleaning, and getting our lives into 40' x 8.5 feet. That's 330 square feet, folks. That is pretty dang small. But, it works. At least until it gets cold. Then, we loose the side patio that is serving as our office/classroom/dining table. Then, I cry.

On second thought, I'll be in Mexico then anyway --- so who cares?
Our Side Patio

The patio has flamingo lights, which add
just the right amount of kitsch and make me smile.

We've gotten a small storage unit to hold all of our Hunting/Fishing/Golf/Ski/Tennis/Softball/Is there any sport Josh doesn't play?/General Crap that would never all fit into this trailer. So that leaves us with just enough stuff to neatly store into every nook and cranny. I mean it. We are at max capacity. There is no room for anything else. Not a coffee cup; not another T-shirt; nothing.

On Sunday, I took a break from organizing-to-the-hilt and took the kids for the pool for a swim.

Did I mention that it has been 100 degrees since we've gotten here?!?

There I was --- at the pool --- when I experienced my first (but certain not to be my last) "CAMPGROUND EXPERIENCE #1". A mother was openly reprimanded by her husband for yelling obscenities in the pool, despite the loads of children in her midst. Keeping it classy... 

The kiddos resumed school on Monday after a few days off for our move. They are enrolled in a correspondence school which gives us the flexibility to travel in my off-season and extend our summer hiatus. So, my days are currently consumed with my work online as I re-design the website for Mayan Riviera Properties, phonics, and place values. I have learned that I am totally not cut out to be a Homeschool Mom. The kids and I will be lucky to survive each other until October.

On Monday, the Internet Gods, sent down their manna from iHeaven and blessed us with a visit from the Comcast Cable Man who hooked us up to really fast WiFi. (Cablemas hasn't got a thing on Comcast.) Given our current and all-consuming obsession with the Big Bang Theory, I have named our wifi network "Bazinga" in honor of Dr. Sheldon Cooper --- my all-time, hands-down, sitcom BFF.

As I was contemplating my network name options, I seriously considered "Soft Kitty", but decided it sounded just a little too creepy.

Monday evening, Josh returned from work. He was in the driveway getting his truck set up just the way he wants it for out on the road, which currently includes a waterbed, refrigerator, body pillow, video game console, theater, and grocery store. I am only exaggerating a little. Seriously, just a little. It was then that we had CAMPGROUND EXPERIENCE #2: A tween stopped and asked Josh for his picture with her, saying she thought he looked like Luke Bryan.

  1. Who is Luke Bryan? I had to look him up. 
  2. Turns out, Josh looks nothing like him.
  3. Why you would want your photo with someone whom you think resembles a celebrity?
  4. Josh eats this sort of thing up. So, you made his day. Good job, Tweenie.

Yesterday, Josh and Easton hit the road for a quick trip. They'll be back tomorrow.

I also pick up my Jeep tomorrow. It's getting 'Jeepified' so that we can do some off-roading. Looking forward to getting it back!!

Will keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!!
    So glad to hear that you all are getting things worked out.
    My mom is out camping at Sugar Loaf this weekend with Lynn in Lynn's new rig. Lynn is now full timing it in a motor home. My in-laws have friends who full time is all over the place now in their truck, camper and motorcycle.
    Hmm, what am I missing out on? LOL
